Defeating the Menace of Horse Flies: Poolside Solutions for a Fly-Free Summer

As summer heats up, there's nothing quite like a refreshing dip in the pool to beat the scorching temperatures. However, for many unfortunate pool owners and enthusiasts, the idyllic poolside experience is often disrupted by the relentless attack of horse flies. These bothersome insects not only buzz around but also deliver painful bites, turning a sunny summer day into a nightmare. In this blog post, we will explore the problem of horse flies attacking people in their pools on summer days and provide effective strategies to enjoy a fly-free poolside oasis.

Understanding the Horsefly Menace:

Horse flies, also known as Tabanidae, are robust biting insects that belong to the same family as deer flies and green heads. These relentless pests thrive in warm climates and are particularly active during the summer months. Horse flies are strongly attracted to humans and animals, targeting them for their blood meals. Unfortunately, pools provide the perfect breeding ground for these winged intruders, making them a common nuisance for poolside activities.

The Encounter: Horse Flies vs. Poolside Bliss

Imagine this scenario: you're lounging by your sparkling pool, enjoying the summer sun, when suddenly, a familiar buzzing sound fills the air. Horse flies descend upon you, interrupting your peace and leaving painful bites that itch for days. These persistent insects can disrupt poolside gatherings and force you to seek refuge indoors.

Factors Attracting Horse Flies to Pools:

  1. Water Reflection: Horse flies are visually oriented and are drawn to shiny, reflective surfaces. The glistening water surface of a swimming pool acts as a magnet, attracting these pests in search of their next meal.

  2. Movement: Horse flies are quick to detect movement and are particularly drawn to splashing water and active swimmers. Their keen eyesight and tracking ability make them relentless pursuers, causing distress to those trying to enjoy their pool time.

  3. Carbon Dioxide: Similar to other biting insects, horse flies are attracted to carbon dioxide, which humans and animals naturally emit. Exhaling near a pool signals a potential blood source to these pests, encouraging them to swarm the area.

Effective Strategies to Combat Horse Flies:

  1. Physical Barriers: Installing fine-mesh pool enclosures or screened-in gazebos creates a protective barrier, preventing horse flies from entering the pool area and bothering swimmers.

  2. Proper Pool Hygiene: Regularly clean your pool to remove organic debris, as horse flies are attracted to decaying matter. Maintaining proper water chlorination and balance also discourages flies from laying their eggs in well-maintained water.

  3. Consider Fly Traps: Employing specialized horse fly traps, such as the Fly Cage, can be a game-changer in controlling horse fly populations. These traps are designed to attract, catch, and eliminate various biting flies, including horse flies, providing a more targeted solution.

  4. Personal Protection: Wearing light-colored, loose-fitting clothing and using insect repellent can act as a deterrent against horse fly bites. Additionally, employing fans to create a continuous airflow around the pool area can make it challenging for horse flies to navigate.


The persistent presence of horse flies can dampen the enjoyment of your poolside retreat during summer days. However, by understanding their behavior and implementing effective strategies, you can reclaim your pool oasis. From physical barriers and proper pool hygiene to the use of specialized fly traps like the Fly Cage, there are numerous ways to combat horse flies and ensure a fly-free poolside experience. Don't let these winged intruders ruin your summer fun—take proactive measures to protect your pool paradise from the horsefly menace.